Now more than ever our community looks forward to reconnecting socially at a safe distance. 2020 Heritage Days Reinvented is a completley different approach to bringing our community together to celebrate who we are.
While the large scale mass gathering events like the Family Festivities Carnival, Children’s Theatre production, Parade and Fireworks show will NOT happen this year, we have created some replacement events that will be possible regardless of an orange or yellow phase COVID-19 designation. We have also modified other traditional Heritage Days activities to make them possible within Utah and Bear River Health Department guidelines.
Quick Links
enjoy a week long celebration!
due Sat June 13th
Prizes for top entries by age category, due Sat June 13th (Utility Drop Box @ City Hall) Will be displayed in the windows of the Gym at Heritage Elementary.
UPDATE: Entries are displayed the week of Heritage Days by age category, CONGRATULATIONS to our overall winner (Picture on Left-Click to Enlarge): Alexis
Printable Coloring page & MORE INFO
Sat June 13th
Offered and sponsored by Infinite Disc. Players MUST PRE-REGISTER to play and will be assigned a playing time between 9 am and 11 am. Recreation level and Jr under 10 divisions will play 9 holes @ Sunrise Meadows Disc Golf Course. Advanced and intermediate players will play 9 @ Sunrise Meadows then another 9 @ Ridgeline High School. Top finishers earn prizes, will be notified electronically, and will pick up their prize at their convenience at Infinite Disc.
Disc Golf Registration & More InfoOn Monday June 15th 7-8:30pm
Leave your home on two wheels or more and join a suggested bike route loop within your neighborhood where you are most likely to see friends and neighbors. If you or your family are feeling more adventurous try a neighboring loop and explore more of Nibley. Participate in a Photo Contest for $ to spend at a local bike shop of your choice, and get a jump start on the HD-20 Fitness challenge. Please say hello to friends and neighbors as you pass, and keep 6′ Social distancing (unless you are with members of your own household PLEASE DO NOT CONGREGATE). Please be safe, wear a helmet, follow all traffic laws, and avoid congregating.
Routes, Contest Awards, and MORE INFO
video entry due: Tue June 16th
Sponsored by our Nibley Children’s Theatre this #NibleyAtHomeRec event gives the youth and families of our community an opportunity to share their performing art talents by submitting a video to judges. Top entries in several categories will receive gift cards and gift basket prizes.Tap or click for:
Registration Awards & MORE INFO
Wed night June 17th
(or whatever works for you)
Everyone loves Disney! But how well do you actually know Disney movies? Compete our Disney Trivia individually, or as a family and compare scores, consider betting chores or ice creeam on who will receive the top score without help from Google. Then pop some buttery corn and enjoy a movie night in the comfort of your own home or back yard.
Disney Online Trivia
due on Thur June 18th
A simple virtual edition to our traditional Family Festivities contest this year. Contestants register, record and submit a 90 sec or less video at their convenience on or before Thur June 18th. Entries are eligible for fabulous prizes including thick cut bacon, tools, grilling supplies and gift cards to local restaurants. Be sure to finish off that facial hair on or before June 18th and make us proud that you are a part of our community! Top contestants may find a sign in front of their home celebrating their achievement that will stay in place well after Fathers day for all to see and recognize your achievement.
Registration Awards & MORE INFO
June 18th-23rd
Available spots fill up quickly! Sign up TODAY
Self-Guided Option: Firefly Park and adjacent Virgil Gibbons Heritage Park are open after dark during firefly season (June-Early July) for self-guided firefly viewing. Please be patient, fireflies are on their own schedule and are typically most active between 9-10:30 pm depending on the evening and their overall activity.

Sat June 20th
We encourage you to light up the grill and enjoy a meal with your family in your own front or back yard. We hope that all of Nibley will smell like a BBQ with marinated and sauce covered meats simmering on the grill, be sure to have chips drinks and all of those delicious sides that go with a BBQ. While waiting for your meal we encourage you to have your own family carnival with lawn games and other activities for your family to enjoy. Need a little help making your #NibleyAtHomeRec event special? Watch Facebook for an opportunity to sign up (first come first serve) for a FREE opportunity to try out some of our yard game rental equipment for the weekend including: Spikeball, Kubb, Corn Hole, Can Jam, 4 square balls, and Jumbo Size Jenga.

Sat June 20th @ 8:30pm
Although our traditional youth dance is not possible this year, we are offering an exciting dance party at home on your own driveway with your family and neighbors in view. Tune in to Aggie Radio FM 92.3 to join the party. Join us on Tue night June 16th on Facebook to help us narrow down a play list or Vote Here: PLAYLIST. Enter the dance contest to earn a block party that would include use of our Gaga Court, Nine square, and more once we move the COVID-19 dial to Green and mass gathering is allowed.
Wed June 24th 6-7:30 pm
Regional experts will share fascinating insights into the these amazing insects, including how important they are in supporting our own lives. This FREE online event event REQUIRES PRE-REIGISTRATION to participate.
Registration and MORE INFOdue Mon July 20th
This #NibleyAtHomeRec Fitness experience is up to you and anyone you challenge to join you. You have options, and can customize your fitness experience to fit your own goals and current fitness level. This challenge is suited for children and adults of ALL ages, when you register for just $11, and turn in your completed challenge card, we give you a custom HD-20 Fitness challenge tri-blend shirt (will mail if needed), and you become eligible for fabulous raffle prizes. For those ambitious athletes that complete level 2, and or level 3, to become a HD-20 Fitness Challenge CHAMPION you will be eligible for additional raffle prizes.

Due July 22nd
Submit a Nibley City flag design for your chance to make history as the symbol representing our community is created. Every entry receives a small prize, the top entries selected receive cash prizes and more!

OFFICIAL NOTICE: The Ministry of Silly Walks has established a Silly Walks Zone in Nibley. The ministry reserves the right to relocate the zone to other areas within the Nibley City Jurisdiction. When relocated clues about the location of the zone(s) will be posted @: www.facebook.com/nibley Upon locating the Silly Walk Zone sign, scan the QR code for instructions and BEGIN SILLY WALKING IMMEDIATELY. Take photo/video footage and post it to social media #HDSillyWalks. While it may take a moment to find this hilarious experience, it will certainly be worth it.
Have you ever seen a professional chalk art piece? You will be amazed at what these artists have created with chalk at the West side pavilion of Virgil Gibbons Heritage Park. Take a stroll by and take a look and be sure to stay a cow’s length away from non-household members.
@ Heritage Park Pavilion 2456 S 800 W, Nibley, UT 84321

The Coloring Contest entries are be displayed in the windows of the Gym at Heritage Elementary 925 W 3200 S, Nibley, UT 84321 Feel free to walk by, ride by, or drive by for a look at some amazing young artists. Entries are displayed by age category, CONGRATULATIONS to our overall winner: Alexis

Press Release
From Nibley City
For Immediate Release
10 June 2020
Contact: Chad Wright, Recreation Director (801)360-3183 or David Zook, City Manager (435)890-9239
Nibley, Utah – In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, Nibley City has created a way to still hold its traditional Heritage Days summer celebration. This year’s Heritage Days Reinvented-20 will include events beginning on Saturday, June 13 and running through Wednesday, June 24, with some activities extended over the month.
“We feel that people need to connect and have fun now more than ever,” said Nibley City Manager David Zook.
“The mission of Nibley’s Recreation Department is to create a happy, healthy, connected community,” added Nibley Recreation Director Chad Wright. “All of our events have been designed with the health and wellness of our residents in mind and we hope they will have a great time as they celebrate and reconnect at a distance.”
Nibley has organized more than a dozen Heritage Days events for this summer’s celebration. Some of the events are similar to traditional events but others are new or reinvented versions of traditional events.
Returning events include a coloring contest, beard and mustache contest, chalk art, a disc golf tournament offered by Infinite Disc, a bike night out, and a reinvented (driveway) dance party with some help from Aggie Radio 92.3 FM. New events include a virtual talent show and a round-robin story activity, both offered by the Nibley Children’s Theatre, a trivia challenge, an at-home carnival and BBQ, and the HD-20 fitness challenge (in lieu of the usual fun run). Nibley resident Becky Yeager of the Cache Valley Wildlife Association is also offering a webinar with several experts that will include valuable information about Nibley’s Fireflies, Monarch Butterflies, and Bees. And Stokes Nature Center is partnering with Nibley City to lead firefly walks through Nibley’s new Firefly Nature Park.
There will be no mass-gathering events. Events will be at-home, distanced, online, drive-by, walk-by or bicycle events. Residents can participate in all events free of charge.
Nibley also has a surprise activity in store for residents, which will be unveiled on its Facebook page during Heritage Days, which is a new, one-of-a-kind activity that is sure to get some laughs.
Details about all events can be found at: www.nibleycity.com
David Zook, MPA ICMA-CM
Nibley City Manager
(435) 752-0431 Office
(435) 890-9239 Cell
Stay Informed
Nibley Facebook Page: (Nibley,Utah) or https://www.facebook.com/nibley/ for notification of sign up availability, contest information, event status, videos, Heritage Days SURPRIZES, and other great Heritage Days Content.
Heritage Days Text Club: simply text HD-20 to 435-752-0431 find out first by text and get reminders.