Welcome to Nibley City. We hope you enjoy living here in our wonderful community.
You must be the property owner to put utilities in your name. Proof of ownership is required.
To obtain utility services from Nibley City you will need to sign up by filling out Nibley’s Utility Service Agreement. You can find the Utility Service Agreement, Resident Information Sheet, and other useful information below. Again, welcome to Nibley City.
All dogs are required to be licensed in Nibley
Dominion Energy/Questar Gas: 1-800-323-5517
Rocky Mountain Power: 1-888-221-7070
When you move, you will need to notify the Driver License Division of your new address within 10 days.
For more information, visit their website (www.driverlicense.utah.gov) or the Driver’s License Division (110 E 700 S in Logan) or call 752-0332.
The state assigns a $50 fine for non-compliance.