With close to 7,000 residents, 44% of whom are under the age of 18, Nibley City is seeking to establish itself as the premier Cache Valley community for youth and adult recreation. Imagine Nibley is a campaign to develop a master plan for parks, recreation, trails, and open space within Nibley City.
Nibley is in need of your help: (Survey open until Dec 15th)
- Go To: www.imaginenibley.com to watch the promotional video and to begin imagining
- Take a quick survey: to help us find out what you Imagine Nibley to be- SURVEY LINK
- Open Format Comment: missed the open house or bus tour, and you have a comment not addressed by they survey? Share your feedback in an open format online comment box: ONLINE COMMENT LINK
THE PLAN WILL HELP: 1) project future uses for existing park property, 2) develop a network of parks and trails, 3) identify recreation needs and goals, and 4) identify critical habitats and preserve open space.

Take a quick survey: to help us find out what you Imagine Nibley to be– SURVEY LINK
Survey: everyone in your household is eligible to take this survey it is available online @ www.ImagineNibley.com @ City Hall and @ the Parks and Rec Fair. Individuals living outside of Nibley in surrounding communities may take the survey by simply indicating that they are not a resident. Non-resident data will be separated out and shared with our neighboring communities.
Kids Survey: designed for elementary school age kids the picture format hardcopy survey is available @ Nibley City Hall and @ the Parks and Rec Fair/Open House. The primary focus of this survey is to better understand their view of parks, trails and various recreation activities that Nibley youth are interested in and or already involved with.
Why a New Parks, Recreation, and Trail Plan FAQ’s
In short, the reason is this: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail and failing the hardworking citizens in Nibley is not an option. Our aim is to account for the current needs and interests of our community, promote healthy lifestyles, support quality of life, and facilitate community connectivity. Our goal is to be the premier provider of recreation in the valley and to accomplish this goal we need to first fully understand our citizen’s needs and interests, second create a reasonable prioritized plan to accomplish goals, and finally implement the plan created.
To keep up with a variety of factors including unique time sensitive opportunities, changes in citizen demographics, available funding sources to support projects and programs, and other relevant factors the standard practice is to update municipal plans every 5 years. The last Parks and Trails plan was completed in April of 2011. The 2011 plan was focused primarily on Parks and Trails, the new plan will addresses Parks, Recreation, Trails, and Open Space.
To fully address questions of defining and maintaining open space, give direction to our new full time Recreation Director, keep up with interests of our growing active community, and account for changes in opportunities for improvement, expansion, and connection of parks and trails it is critical that Nibley City update the plan to address more than just parks and trails. That said, the 2011 plan data, goals, and objectives will be reviewed, evaluated and used to support the new plan that is exploring options and opportunities not available in 2011.
The City will make every effort to make sure citizen interest aligns with spending. For example: In harmony with property acquisition goals from the 2011 parks plan, Nibley City had a unique opportunity to purchase a park property suited to meet the need for growing sports programs. Before spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, a public survey conducted in February of 2013 confirmed that citizens supported a significant purchase of property to meet goals of acquiring property for sports fields.
The process includes data collection and evaluation, creating goals and objectives, setting priorities, and solidifying a plan, which is then evaluated by City Council for approval. Once the plan is approved, Nibley City staff will set in motion plans based on the priority given and the resources available. The goal of this process is fiscal responsibility designed to account for the common needs and interests of our community. The process is typically measured in months and years, rather than days or weeks.
Development priorities and considerations for the 50 acres will continue for this property in the new plan based on continued community interest and support. Prior to this Imagine Nibley campaign, the development of the 50 acres was delayed due to a time sensitive opportunity to acquire a significant piece of land adjacent to Virgil Gibbons Heritage Park. This piece of property includes a unique resource of bioluminescent insects (fireflies) and wetlands that support a significant number of birds. Nibley City received a time sensitive grant for approximately 1 million dollars to create a park space at the property adjacent to Heritage Park, which adjusted the priority timeline of park developments, including the proposed 50 acre sports park.
Food Truck Round Up @:
Imagine Nibley Parks & Rec Fair
Heritage Elementary School
925 W 3200 S, Nibley, UT 84321
Bring your appetite to the Parks and Rec fair for some amazing food.
- Aloha Boys Hawaian
- Oasis Salvadoranian Pupusas
- Kettle Korn of Cache Valley
- FREE Kettle Korn: bring a bag of nonperishable food as a donation to the Cache Fommunity Food Pantry for a FREE bag of delicious Kettle Korn
Voice your opinion & get involved
- Parks & Rec Fair/Open house: Sat Nov 12th from 10am-12pm @ Heritage Elementary
- Parks Bus Tour: Sat Nov 12th 2pm start @ Nibley City Hall: you will have the chance to jump on a bus or follow in your own vehicle with City officials to tour Nibley’s parks to share your ideas, concerns, questions, and dreams.
Imagine Nibley Parks & Rec Fair Heritage Elementary School
Nov 12, 2016 10:00 AM – Noon
925 W 3200 S, Nibley, UT 84321
Give your input on the future of Nibly City’s parks, recreation, trails, and open space Master Plan.
- Nibley City Children’s Theater Mini-Performance @ 10:45
- Maps of parks, trails, open space, wildlife habitats to explore
- Recreation providers on hand including: Nibley City Recreation, Sunrise Cyclery,The Trails Cache, Move to it Dance, Ridgeline/Mt Crest Lacrosse, 4H, and more
- Play GaGa: fun for kids of ALL ages
Raffle PRIZES including: Family Pass to Eccles Ice Arena, Bike Swag from Sunrise Cyclery, Disc Golf Discs from Infinite Disc, Top of Utah Marathon and 1/2 Marathon Entries, Nibley Fit Passes, FREE Baseball/Softball Spring Registration, FREE Nibley Super Start Program Registration, FREE Park Pavillion Rental and more.

Imagine Nibley Bus Tour
Nov 12, 2016
2:00 PM Meet @ City Hall
Jump on the bus and tour of Nibley City’s current trails, parks, potential park sites. Share your your input and feedback with city staff and officals on your view of how to best utilize, update, and or improve each.