Registration is Open:
Early Bird Price Ends In:
High School Co-Ed Slow Pitch
Program Details: This league is for ALL interested participants even if they have no experience with softball or team sports. Although players that have previous competitive level soccer experience are allowed to register, this is not a league suited for players currently playing competitive baseball/softball or playing for a high school baseball/softball team. Although we anticipate some exciting team match ups, this league is focused on creating a fun, safe, and friendly atmosphere, where players can build leadership and social skills while also building confidence and softball skills. This league also includes a fun FREE end of season party players don’t want to miss.
Exciting League Info
-Request up to 3 Friends!
-Local Games on Mon & Fri Evenings -Some games under the LIGHTS!
-End of Season League Party at the Park!
Game and Practice Locations: Games are anticipated to be held in Nibley at Anhder Park like last year.
Registration only: $45 until 3/11/25 and $55 after that until registration closes (3/18/25) or until program is full.
Registration is open until filled: Any registration requests after April or when the program is filled must be added to the online waiting list for consideration.
Waiting List: any available spots will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis which may not occur until after games begin the middle of May.
Refunds: If the entire season needs to be cancelled by Nibley City Recreation for this program for unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will be given to all participants. Partial season cancelations by Nibley City for the same reasons will merit a partial refund. Participant initiated refunds are subject to cancelation fees outlined in the registration terms.
Hard Copy Option:
Print a copy or come to Nibley City Hall to fill out a hard copy registration form.
455 W 3200 S Nibley, UT
**Anticipated Season Dates: Middle of May – End of June
**Actual game schedule based on the number of players/teams. Games Conveniently held on Monday and Saturday Evenings
Softball games for this league will be scheduled to avoid Nibley City Intramural High School Soccer and Ultimage Frisbee games
Game Format (5v5v5): fun and clever format:
Infield Team: A five (5) person team that plays pitcher, first base, second base, third base and shortstop positions for three (3) outs in an inning.
Outfield Team: A five (5) person team that plays catcher and the four (4) outfield positions for three (3) outs in an inning.
Batting Team: A five (5) or six (6) person (with an extra hitter) team that bats until three (3) “outs” are recorded.
Equipment: A team shirt and hat are included in the registration and although athletic shoes are permitted, cleats are recommended, and a mitt is required. Nibley City recreation will provide teams with bats,batting helmets, and game balls. We also suggest a personal water bottle to stay hydrated and baseball/softball pants if players plan to slide.
Team Management: The games are managed by the team captains with help from an adult team manager and an umpire focused on educating players and making it fun.
Creating Rosters: We want to make the season fun for all participants. To make it fun, games need to be competitive. To make games competitive, teams need to have a balance of skill level. For this league we will do our best to honor up to 3 friend requests if it’s possible to do so while keeping team skill level balanced. For these requests all players should request each other (ex: Aiden requests Noah, Sophia and Abby. Abby requests Aiden, Noah, and Sophia). We will NOT accept entire teams signing up together it leads to unballanced league play and robs players of opportunities to make new friends.